*All grains will be milled and put together with any other grains purchased UNLESS otherwise noted at checkout. 




  • 2-Row: 
    This classic base malt will provide consistent brewhouse performance for all beer styles.
    Color (ASBC °L)
    1.5 - 2.5
    All beer styles
  • Pilsner
    Pilsner malt works well as both a base malt as well as an additive. Being a primary component of the lager style, the pilsner malt is not confined exclusively to the lager, but works well in any light colored beer. Kilned at a lower temperature than 2-Row pale malt, Pilsner lends a slightly sweeter and distinctive malt flavors. 

    Low total protein and high extract malt. Great choice for use in light lagers and pilsner-type beers.


  • Marris Otter
    Maris Otter, the malting barley variety revered by brewers for the production of traditional cask ales, floor malted for preferred flavor and performance.
    Color (ASBC °L)
    2.5 - 3.5
    Traditional English Ales & Pale Ales



  • Munich        
    A fully modified, two-row color malt that enhances the malty flavor, color and aroma of dark beers such as bock and Oktoberfest.
    Color (ASBC °L)
    8.0 - 11.0
    Dark beers, seasonals
  • Vienna
    Vienna has sufficient enzymatic activity to be used in combination with a large proportion of specialty malts. Adds subtle aromas of toffee.
  • Distillers Malt
  • On the line of 6-Row Barley, DISTILLERS MALT has the enzymatic power to enhance, not inhibit, the creativity of contemporary craft distillers. Our distillers malt is rich in diastatic power, so it can break down starchy adjuncts in your grist like oats, wheat, corn, and many others. 

    Color (ASBC °L)
    1.5 - 2.5
    All beer styles


    • Caramel-10
      An excellent addition to any beer requiring a slight red color addition and mild caramel malt sweetness. These higher color caramel malts provide a range of red hues with lower astringency than traditional crystal malts produced in a roaster.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      8.0 - 15.0
      All beer styles
    • Caramel-20
      Color (ASBC °L)
      15.0 - 25.0
      All beer styles
    • Caramel-40
      Color (ASBC °L)
      35.0 - 45.0
      All beer styles
    • Caramel-60
      Color (ASBC °L)
      55.0 - 65.0
      All beer styles
    • Caramel-120 Gives a pronounced to sharp caramel flavor & a deep red color. Typical Color L: 120 Flavor contributions: pronounced caramel, burnt sugar, raisiny, prunes
    • Cara-Pils
      Color (ASBC °L)
      1.0 - 2.0
      Pilsner, lagers, light ales, pale ales, IPA

       This very light caramel malt will improve body and head retention. Also known as Dextrine and Spitz. 


    • Acidulated Malt
    • Produced with natural lactic acid bacteria, Meussdoerffer Acidified malt may be used to adjust mash pH, which will intensify fermentation and preserve the light color and flavor stability of Pilsner type beers.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      1.0 - 3.0
      Pilsner, light lagers


    • Melanoidin

      This kilned malt, similar to a dark aromatic Munich, improves flavor and fullness. Meussdoerffer Melanoidin malt imparts a reddish color to dark, amber, and red colored beers.

      Color (ASBC °L) Style Origin
      30.0 - 40.0 Amber beers, ales, stouts, bocks
    • Honey
      This malt is similar in style to German "brumalt", but it really doesn't compare to any other malt with its honey-like taste and residual sweetness. Best used in brown ales, porters, and stouts.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      20.0 - 25.0
      Brown ales, porters and stouts
    • Amber

      Dry, light biscuit flavour with slight coffee undertones. Amber malt is a more toasted form of pale malt, with green malt being roasted at temperatures of 150–160°C.

      Typical product styles: Golden Ale, IPA, American style pale ale, Traditional Ales 

      Color °L 23-46
      Moisture % Max 4.0%
      Extract FG Min 75.0
      Usage Rate
    • Whole Oats

      This malt is grey for adding foam stability and a creamy texture for beer. Provides good foam & head retention when used at approx. 5%. Used in a variety of styles, traditionally Hefeweizens, Witbiers, and hazy ipa's. 

    • Smoked Malt 
      Beachwood Smoked malt is used as a flavor and aroma enhancer.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      1.5 - 2.5
      All beer styles
    • Whole Rye

      3.7 L - Spicy rye. Use in rye beers or to build flavor or add interest to other styles; use in 5% increments until desired flavor is achieved.
    • Spelt

      Spelt Malt compared to wheat malt provides a slightly sweet more nutty, spicy flavor. Similar mouthfeel to wheat malt as well but with a softer more pillowy feeling.

      Spelt malt has higher protein but lower gluten than wheat malt.


    • Roasted Barley
      The roasting process is similar to that of black malt, with extra care taken to not char the grain. Roasted barley will impart a dry flavor and substantial color.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      600.0 - 680.0
      Darkest ales, stouts, porters
    • Special B
      Special B has a unique aroma and flavor. It imparts a heavy caramel taste and is often credited with the raisin-like flavor of some Belgian abbey ales. It can substitute for chocolate and black malt when bitterness is not desired.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      140.0 - 155.0
      Double Belgian abbey and trappist beers, Brown Ales, stouts, dark ales
    • Midnight Wheat

      An excellent malt for color with subtle, smooth flavor for Black IPAs, dark wheat beers & Schwarzbier. Use up to 10% for deep color plus mild, smooth flavor in porters & stouts. Deep color with mild roasted/chocolate/coffee flavors.

    • Chocolate Malt
      Chocolate malt is a relatively high nitrogen malt that is roasted at high temperatures and then rapidly cooled when the desired color is achieved. "Chocolate" refers primarily to the malt's color, not its flavor. This malt will lend various levels of aroma, a deep red color, and a nutty/roasted taste, depending on the amount used.
      Color (ASBC °L)
      300.0 - 380.0
      Dark specialty beers, stouts, dark ales, bock
    • Black Malt

      Black malt is produced by roasting kiln dried malt to temperatures of up to 240°C for slightly longer periods of time than regular Chocolate Malt. Water is used to extend the roasting time and for quenching and cooling at the end of a roast to prevent combustion.


      1300 – 1600 EBC (660-813 SRM). Heavily Roasted, provides colour to beer. Depending on the quantity added, it can produce a deep red hue or a rich dark black. A dry biscuit with roasted coco bean flavour, less astringent and more friable than Roast Barley. No enzymatic potential. 


      Ales, Porters and Stouts


      3-12% addition to mash tun with base malts.


    • Flaked Barley

      All of our flakes are pregelatinized, which enables the brewer to produce an unlimited variety of beer styles w/o using a cereal cooker. Produces lighter color in the final beer w/o lowering the final gravity. Lovibond: 1.4
    • Flaked Wheat

      Mash-ready wheat flakes will greatly increase head retention and body when used in an amount as low as 8% of your total grist. Infrared roasting gives these flakes their unique toasted flavor. Can be used in amounts of up to 40% of grist total.
      Color  (ASBC °L)
      All beer types
    • Flaked Oats
      Steamed, not roasted.  Mash-ready oat flakes will add a distinct full-bodied flavor and creamy texture.  Can be used in amounts of up to 30 percent of grist total.
      Color  (ASBC °L)
      All beer types
    • Flaked Corn

      Mash-ready corn flakes, produced from yellow corn, will provide depth of character to lighter beers when used in moderate quantities. Can be used in amounts of up to 40% of grist total.

      Color (ASBC °L) Style Origin
      0.7 All beer types
    • Flaked Rye

      Mash-ready rye flakes will lend a dry, crisp character and a strong rye flavor. Infrared roasting gives these flakes their unique toasted flavor. Can be used in amounts of up to 20 percent of grist total, but 5-10 percent is preferred.

      Color (ASBC °L) Style Origin
      2.0 All beer types using Rye


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